Tag Archives: Adelaide Magazing

Blog 70: The real reason Brioni was missing from The Adelaide Magazine article

This is one for everyone who has been asking me why Brioni was missing from our recent article in The Adelaide Magazine- she was having much more fun…….

“Its winter so a good opportunity for us to get out of the winery.

Chris and I filled the back packs and jetted over to LA to soak up some California sun! Cruising around Santa Monica on our low rider bikes, checking out the muscle men at Venice Beach. Making our selves sick on the roller coasters at Disneyland! And keeping our eye out for movie stars. Fun times!

Brioni & Chris & Disneyland

We then hired a little blue VW and drove across to Vegas to try our luck!.. being the big spenders that we are we lost a whole $50 USD, so we gave up on that idea and decided to check out some shows! We saw Mystere Cirque du Soleil ( the underwater one, Amazing!), The Lion King (also amazing) and The Carrot Top (interesting..)

Next stop Mexico! Which pretty much consisted of tequila, corona, tacos, fajitas, lying on the beach and reading! Tough couple of weeks! But don’t worry I’m back, energised and ready to go! 

Mexico Cities Pyramids


Brioni x

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